At ASSIST, we provide comprehensive support in all aspects of your life in the U.S. from assisting you on preparatory procedures prior to your arrival in the U.S. to other various necessary procedures once your term is over. Various orientations based on specific cases and on items to note will be held to assist you.
Service Content
Orientation for Overseas Assignees
- Items to note regarding working in the U.S.
- Applying for a social security number
- Opening a bank account
- Applying for an individual credit card
- Preparations in getting an automobile, residence, furniture, and other electronic goods
- Driving school reservations
- Rental vehicle or vehicle purchasing contract
- Obtaining vehicle insurance
- Obtaining a driver’s license
- Becoming a member of AAA
- Introduction to real estate agents
- Apartments/rental contracts
- Obtaining tenant insurance
- Moving into your new residence
- Applying for utility services (electricity, water, gas, telephone, cable television, internet, etc.), U.S. Medical system, introduction to family doctors/primary physicians
- Obtaining vehicle insurance
- English classes,
- Information on public peace public peace
Orientation For Overseas Assignee’s Spouse and Family Members
- Opening a husband and wife joint account
- Driving school reservations for your spouse
- Rental vehicle, vehicle purchase/lease contract
- Obtaining vehicle insurance
- Obtaining a driver’s license
- U.S. medical system, introduction to family doctors/primary physicians
- English classes
- Applying for a taxpayer ID number
- Explaining to spouses on their employment status in the U.S.
- U.S. education system, child’s school’s transfer notification procedure
- Explanation on U.S. child law, introduction to baby sitters
Orientation For Assignees That Are Being Transferred
- Moving arrangements
- Terminating residency contracts/utility services
- Search for residence/residence contract in a new location
- Child’s school’s transfer notification procedures
- Address change
- Arrangements for hotel/rent-a-car at new location
- Driver’s license renewal
Maternity Orientation
- Introduction to obstetricians/pediatricians/various medical institutions
- Introduction to labor preparation classes
- Checking medical insurance coverage
- Assisting with hospital stay procedures
- Explanation on what to prepare for hospital stays
- Applying for child’s birth certificate
- Submitting birth information
- Applying for child’s passport at the Consulate General of Japan
- Appointments for pediatricians
- Introduction to baby sitters
Orientation For Overseas Assignees That Are Returning Back
- Moving arrangements
- Canceling residence/utility services
- Closing credit cards and various insurance policies
- Address change
- Hotel/limousine arrangements
- Changing status to non-resident at the bank
- Child’s school’s notice of withdrawal